Hi, my name is Crystal, and I love tradition and ritual, but I also love novel things and creating something special just for one person. When my mum died a few years ago, I decided that I wanted to write her funeral service – not just my eulogy, but the whole service. I wanted to tie in traditional elements as well as Bible verses and poems that she loved, but I also wanted something that was just for her and her alone. I learned a lot through that experience. If you have lost a loved one, I extend you my sympathy. I know how that feels, and I want to help with the funeral service. This blog has ideas and tips for writing your own service as well as a range of other things. I hope it helps.
29 October 2019
Choosing the perfect cemetery monument for a dearly departed loved one can be one of the hardest parts of planning funeral and burial arrangements, especially if you've never done it before. Here are three of the most common mistakes people make when choosing a monument and how you can avoid them. Choosing Low Quality Materials When you're choosing a cemetery monument, most memorial companies will provide you with a digital or physical catalogue of the available materials.
6 September 2019
There's a school of thought out there which suggests that the last cheque you ever write should bounce. Sure, family and friends should be left something, if there's something left, but you should be the one to enjoy the money you've worked hard for. Not everyone has the ability to be so precise with their expenditure, and sometimes a person's financial resources are exhausted well within their lifetime. This doesn't leave anything left for their final financial outlay, which is the cost of their funeral.
7 May 2019
Memorials are ceremonies held by the family of a deceased person to commemorate the life and times of the departed. The excerpt below provides a few tips on how to plan and execute a meaningful memorial for your loved one. Date and timing A memorial service may be held before or after the burial, depending on your culture and family traditions. The date of the memorial service should be convenient for close friends and family.